Black Cowboy Festival May 22-25, 2025 tenative Agenda


Agri-tourism and presentations..10: am--- 2:00 pm

Horsemanship Exhibition/Presentation---11 :am -1:00 pm arena

Documentaries of the A.A. Cowboy 12: pm to 2:00 pm—Barn area

Buffalo Soldier Presentation----10:30 am ---12:30pm

Evening Fish fry--------------------6:30pm


Cowboy Trail ride-----11:30 am

Documentaries of the A.A. Cowboy 12: noon to 2:30—Barn area

Line dance class-----12:noon to 2:00 pm

Western dinner / dance—featuring  Beth Inbinett for the Funk of it Band-7:30 pm


GOSPEL SHOW 10:30 a.m.

Opening…. 10:30 Performance .. The Johnsoneers of Columbia....Pavilion

11:00 Performance……Son’s of Faith of Manning…Pavilion

11:30 Performance…The Anointed voices of Bamberg …. …Pavilion

12:00 Performance… Minister Roland Johnson & Company …Pavilion



12:00 Noon

The National Anthem ……Minister Kennedy

Buffalo Soldiers

Presentation of the Flags /


12:30 p.m. Gaited horse show & Competition…—Main arena


Wash pot Crackling cooking and Lye soap also indulge in Ms. Lillie’s Chitlin, rice, greens, cornbread, roster stew, pig feet and sweet potato pie at the old home stead area

Documentaries of the A.A. Cowboy all day at the…. Barn Area




Documentaries of Buffalo Soldiers all day …Buffalo Soldier tent in field

History of Reconstruction......George E Frierson


Mechanical Bull rides all day

Please Patronize the Vendors on site


Musical Entertainment


12:30 pm ---4pm…: The Delta Blues.. -- Big Daddy Cade / home stead

1:30 pm and 3: 00-- Performance…...Jazz show by Curtis Bates…Pavilion

2:30 pm……Line Dance group performance ..  …Boots on the ground  ......arena

2:00 pm Black Son of the West …Cowboy Mark Myers Greenfield Farm ..Main Arena


3:00 Performance… Rodeo events …Main Arena


Saturday night Entertainment

After Bash 8:30 p.m. til Midnight -Motown Jam show featuring: Live in The Flesh band




Church Services…..Pastor Michael Clea




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